While I'm big fan of canonical questions, I'm not big fan of duplicating incomplete, badly asked question against another question. Those need to be closed (just going by the title my finger is kind of ichin). Duplicates should have the same quality of non-duplicates and we should make sure that the question against what we are duplicating will help OP. For now, the questions that could not be given a definitive solution for lack of information, being badly crafted, lack of quality, should be downvoted, commented and closed accordingly. The ones that the **accepted answer** by OP is the same procedure, being duplicated. And editing the title/body if necessary to facilitate their searching. Be aware that if the problem is towards something specific, the title should reflect the same, i. e.: if OP's problem is with a Nvidia card X model, you can't flag it as duplicate of another with an AMD card Y model, and the title can't be too general either, since each solution is for each specific card.