*(For closure, it seems like the winners should be announced in this thread.)*

Welcome our new AskUbuntu overlords!

<a href="http://askubuntu.com/users/6005/jrg">
<img src="http://askubuntu.com/users/flair/6005.png" width="208" height="58" alt="profile for jrg at Ask Ubuntu, Q&amp;A for Ubuntu users and developers" title="profile for jrg at Ask Ubuntu, Q&amp;A for Ubuntu users and developers">

<a href="http://askubuntu.com/users/25863/bruno-pereira">
<img src="http://askubuntu.com/users/flair/25863.png" width="208" height="58" alt="profile for bruno-pereira at Ask Ubuntu, Q&amp;A for Ubuntu users and developers" title="profile for bruno-pereira at Ask Ubuntu, Q&amp;A for Ubuntu users and developers">

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<img src="http://askubuntu.com/users/flair/14356.png" width="208" height="58" alt="profile for fossfreedom at Ask Ubuntu, Q&amp;A for Ubuntu users and developers" title="profile for fossfreedom at Ask Ubuntu, Q&amp;A for Ubuntu users and developers">


- 2,226 voters were eligible
- 880 visited the site during the election
- 353 visited the election page
- 180 voted

The results from OpenSTV:

    Loading ballots from file askubuntu-com-2012-election-results.blt.
    Ballot file contains 10 candidates and 180 ballots.
    No candidates have withdrawn.
    Ballot file contains 180 non-empty ballots.
    Counting votes for Ask Ubuntu Moderator Election 2012 using Meek STV.
    10 candidates running for 3 seats.
     R|jrg          |Roland Taylor|Bruno Pereira|fossfreedom  |Octavian Dami|William      |gajdipajti   
      |             |             |             |             |ean          |             |             
      |Amith KK     |jokerdino    |UAdapter     |Exhausted    |Surplus      |Threshold    
      |             |             |             |             |             |             
     1|    34.000000|    23.000000|    26.000000|    71.000000|    11.000000|     2.000000|     1.000000
      |     5.000000|     7.000000|     0.000000|     0.000000|    25.999999|    45.000001
      | Count of first choices. Candidate fossfreedom has reached the threshold and is elected.
     2|    37.295773|    33.253516|    33.690137|    45.000013|    13.563379|     2.000000|     1.366197
      |     5.000000|     7.732394|     0.000000|     1.098591|     0.274660|    44.725353
      | Count after transferring surplus votes. Keep factors of candidates who have exceeded the
      | threshold: fossfreedom, 0.633803.
     3|    45.859152|    40.352107|    41.521122|    49.436634|             |             |             
      |             |             |             |     2.830985|     6.711278|    44.292254
      | Count after eliminating Octavian Damiean, William, gajdipajti, Amith KK, jokerdino, and UAdapter
      | and transferring votes. All losing candidates are eliminated. Candidate jrg has reached the
      | threshold and is elected.
     4|    45.311475|    42.968215|    43.602463|    44.447513|             |             |             
      |             |             |             |     3.670334|     1.594154|    44.082417
      | Count after transferring surplus votes. Keep factors of candidates who have exceeded the
      | threshold: jrg, 0.965833 and fossfreedom, 0.567850.
     5|    44.152578|    43.552162|    44.005908|    44.200477|             |             |             
      |             |             |             |     4.088875|     0.425617|    43.977782
      | Count after transferring surplus votes. Keep factors of candidates who have exceeded the
      | threshold: jrg, 0.939636 and fossfreedom, 0.563186. Candidate Bruno Pereira has reached the
      | threshold and is elected.
    Winners are jrg, Bruno Pereira, and fossfreedom.

P.S. While the site only gives you links to OpenSTV for windows or mac to audit the results, it is also available in the Ubuntu repositories. [openstv](http://packages.ubuntu.com/openstv) [![Install openstv](http://hostmar.co/software-small)](http://apt.ubuntu.com/p/openstv)