I was thinking about this after reading [these great slide decks](http://www.codinghorror.com/blog/2011/12/building-social-software-for-the-anti-social.html) by Jeff Atwood, which reemphasized to me that SO is _not_ meant to be a forum or support site, and _not even_ for one-off Q&A, but rather something that generates general reusable articles.  

I think closing these questions is the clearest path for this site to survive and flourish.  The test needs to be not "would I like to help this person?" but rather "is having a page about this question going to be useful in future?"

I think AU needs a strong direction or consensus on this otherwise there may be pushback that it's unhelpful or negative to close a question when the person's clearly having trouble.

Some specific actions when you see such a question:

 * comment advising the user to file a bug etc, with a link
 * _don't downvote_, the question is invalid not bad
 * flag for moderators or close them
 * ideally one of the moderators would add some banner text about not filing bugs here
 * flag