> **Possible Duplicate:** > [Write an Elevator Pitch / Tagline](http://meta.ubuntu.stackexchange.com/questions/405/write-an-elevator-pitch-tagline) <!-- End of automatically inserted text --> ##Note: We are closing this domain naming thread. It is asking the *entirely* wrong question. See this blog post for details: [Domain Names: Wrong Question](http://blog.stackoverflow.com/2010/10/domain-names-the-wrong-question/) Stack Exchange sites will be keeping their sitename.stackexchange.com name. **Due to Stack Exchange's prior agreement with Canonical LLC, ubuntu.stackexchange.com will recieve your askubuntu.com domain name, as orginaly agreed.** Some Stack Exchange sites WILL also receive redirects from the more "popular" domains names. (e.g. seasonedadvice.com to cooking.stackexchange.com, basicallymoney.com to money.stackexchange.com, and others as we go through the list). New question: "**Write and Elevator Pitch / Tagline!**" [**Click here to contribute ideas and vote.**](http://meta.ubuntu.stackexchange.com/questions/405/write-an-elevator-pitch-tagline) *[original message text below]* --- As per the [7 essential Meta questions](http://blog.stackoverflow.com/2010/07/the-7-essential-meta-questions-of-every-beta/), we need to pick a domain name for the site. Please post as answers your proposals for a **.com domain name** for this site. **Rules:** - Name must be available (or parked - see comment in blog post) - Avoid dashes where possible - .com is the preferred Top Level Domain **Please do NOT post domains that are being used.**