- LoCos + Ask Ubuntu = PROFIT?!

Jokes aside, here's why I think LoCos should care:

- It means that to a degree, the LoCo **has failed**. 

Someone asking a question on Ask Ubuntu means that the LoCo hasn't:

- Made itself widely known
- Because it isn't widely know, that means the person can't go ask the LoCo guys "Hey, I have a problem, can you help?" - this is true for all online support methods.

[From the LoCoFAQ:][1]

> A LoCo Team is a Local Community of (in our case) Ubuntu users. A LoCo
> can involve things such as local promotion, **support in the local
> language, general support to local users** and much more. Most
> importantly however, it lets people find other Ubuntu users near them
> and experience the Ubuntu Community firsthand.

*(Emphasis mine)*

Currently, Ask Ubuntu is English only, which could (and has been) a issue in the past.

Just my two cents, but that's something I feel very strongly about.

however, at the same time, I'm no saying that LoCo's and Ask Ubuntu can't co-exist to their mutual benefit - in fact, [I was one of the first to try and get a LoCo involved][2] - I'm just saying that it's a sympton of a failing (or nonexistent) LoCo.

  [1]: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/LoCoFAQ#What_is_a_LoCo_team.3F
  [2]: http://meta.askubuntu.com/questions/1727/how-can-i-have-a-loco-team-help-ask-ubuntu