Originally you asked about "Embedded Frames", which implies HTML `iframe` tags. Those don't work and are disabled for a reason - you can embed almost anything inside those from external sites, and that causes a TON of security risks. In comments, you referred to [this question](http://askubuntu.com/questions/792858/no-hdmi-sound-on-nvidia-card-on-ubuntu-but-no-problem-winth-windows) as an example of what you're looking for. Basically, what that scrolling block of text is is just a very large block of code-formatted text. The posting system will automatically put long blocks of code-formatted (indented) text into a scrollable box in answers and questions so a single post doesn't take up a *huge* length of the page. This only works in questions and answers. You can do preformatted text in comments by surrounding single lines of text within backticks (<code>`</code>), like this: \`This is preformatted text.\` becomes `This is preformatted text.` More on formatting is available in the [help center](http://askubuntu.com/help/formatting).