I can't count the number of times I've seen bashing of answers which contain: gksu gedit /rootpath/rootfile.conf Yesterday (February 17, 2018) Live Wire updated an article on [how to setup gksu][1]. The author acknowledges that `gksu` is frowned upon but claims no viable alternative is available for the GUI. So should we tone down bashing people who do use `gksu`? Or tone down bashing of anything else for that matter when there is no viable alternative? Don't get me wrong, I like to bash politicians from time to time so I'm not totally against bashing. FTR I did setup a wrapper script called `gsu` which invoked policy kits to call `gedit` and `nautilus` under Ubuntu 16.04 but can understand how not everyone will do that. [1]: https://www.lifewire.com/what-is-gksu-2189402