I totally agree with you. Within the realm of AskUbuntu a codec/container/file-format related question will always end up being about a program that creates, plays, views, edits, converts, and etc to/from that file type. Questions just about the codec/container/file-format such as how it functions or is laid out would be better suited for SuperUser since they aren't Ubuntu related at all. Therefore I think questions would be better tagged depending on circumstances with the program that is being used (eg: [tag:pitivi]), the type of program being used (eg: [tag:video-editor]), or if OP is looking for a program then the [tag:software-recommendation] tag. I believe in tagging freedom, so if there are people who find these tags useful then great lets keep them, but personally I'd find it about as useful as tagging a question [tag:computer] and therefore my vote is that all of the codec/container/file-format tags be deleted.