The fact that we as a community do not only ask or answer but also edit is not really that hidden.

Every new user is very much encouraged to read our [about page][1]. The huge banner at the top of our main page will immediately link to this about:

![enter image description here][2]

Its not really much text there and a lot of images help to quickly get an idea of our concept.

Only a little bit down the page you will find an own paragraph on editing, and why we do so:

![enter image description here][3]

If this was not clear enough we can easily proceed to [visit the help center][4] to find informations on [our model][5]. The help center is accessible from every page, and it is especially prominent on the help section of the page when asking your first question. 

There you will find a section:

- [Why can people edit my posts? How does editing work?][6]

In this section much is being said on how editing works. 

Note that all above is accessible to new - even unregistered - users, more than to users who have gained some reputation. Greybeards such as me will not be given those links as easily as they show up for newbies.

If in all these informations given there was something vital missing we should be told so, as only then we will be able to fix these help pages to meet your needs better.
