I think you are veering your argument the wrong way. While Views and Votes are relevant when deleting questions the most important factor is the **quality of the answers**. When deleting a question the first concern you have to occupy with is: do this answers worth my time? Are they really good answers? Those it leave the internet in a better state that it was found? (the last one is a wording of [one of the goals][1] of SO, or more like SE proper) The only thing that is included in the [help center][2] about where you should not delete is: > Before voting to delete, please check that there are no **good answers**; if so, then the question should be flagged for moderator attention as a potential merge candidate. **We don't like to lose great answers!** Note, it says "good" and "great", which are subjectives so YMMV. This means that I shouldn't take into account views or votes? No, it means that views and votes is not really the most important value of a post, but answers. The most pressing reason not to delete a question are the answers they produced, views and votes should be in second plane. Now my personal take is: views and votes just means they are popular, not that they are particularly useful and shouldn't sway my decision to delete a question. [1]: https://meta.stackoverflow.com/a/254773/792066 [2]: https://askubuntu.com/help/privileges/moderator-tools