- Go through the [tag:software-recommendation] tag and spruce up all the screenshots/add them/update them/etc. 

Octavian rightly pointed out that we should do it with *all* our GUI answers, but to give it a "manageable" scope we should limit it to one or two tags, and the software-recommendation tag is something that is in need of some attention, [particularly our top questions.][1]

- Going through our [top questions][2] and our [FAQ questions][3] (yes, there will be overlap) and making sure they are up-to-date for Precise.

Other ideas:

### Editing existing content
- [Tumbleweeds][4] - these are questions that got low views and little attention, can they be improved/edited to be more useful?
- [Famous][5], [Notable][6], and [Popular Questions][7]: These get higher traffic than most questions, check them to see if they can be updated for 12.04
- [Low quality posts][8], can they be improved?
- Search for people posting man pages and link them to: http://manpages.ubuntu.com/
- When people recommend software link it to apt.ubuntu.com: http://meta.askubuntu.com/a/395/235
- Go through an ambiguous tag and replace the ambiguous tag with a more descriptive tag which will be provided.
- Go through the higher voted and higher viewed questions and try to gather a list of canonical questions.
- Look at our [greatest hits][9] and make sure they are as high quality as possible.

###Tips and Tricks

- http://meta.askubuntu.com/questions/830/editing-tips-and-tricks

  [1]: http://askubuntu.com/questions/tagged/software-recommendation?sort=faq&pagesize=50
  [2]: http://askubuntu.com/questions
  [3]: http://askubuntu.com/questions?sort=faq
  [4]: http://askubuntu.com/badges/40/tumbleweed
  [5]: http://askubuntu.com/badges/28/famous-question
  [6]: http://askubuntu.com/badges/27/notable-question
  [7]: http://askubuntu.com/badges/26/popular-question
  [8]: http://askubuntu.com/review/low-quality-posts?s=1&pagesize=15&filter=month
  [9]: http://askubuntu.com/questions/greatest-hits