> Its hard to get help when the bug is not even acknowledged. For example, [Insufficient Permissions on home/ ACLs means users](https://bugs.launchpad.net/linuxmint/+bug/967935) (including the guest account) can poke around other user's home directories. It was never even acknowledged. This isn't a bug, this is intentional Ubuntu behavior: http://askubuntu.com/questions/46501/why-can-other-users-see-the-files-in-my-home-folder Also that bug isn't filed against Ubuntu, so none of the Ubuntu squad members are even going to see it. As for the other ones, I don't really see how reposting bug reports here will help anyone, all it will do is drive users away. And by users I don't mean the people having the problem, I mean the _experts that answer the questions_. No one wants to work in a bug tracker all day, and then come to AU and end up with even worse bug reports. I know it sounds cold but this site is not a bug tracker, it is not designed to be a bug tracker; forcing it into a bug tracker will just make it worse for everyone. We have no way of retracing stack traces here, no way to attach logs etc. And there shouldn't be, this site is supposed to be about helping people use their computer, not dart throwing bug fixes. Are the bug triaging people on Launchpad overwhelmed? Yes, probably. Are we overwhelmed by bug reports here? Yes, probably. I don't think shifting the bottleneck from one tool to the next will work at all.