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Oli Mod
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Let's consider the following statements:

  • Bugs that aren't reported are unlikely to be fixed
  • Developers aren't checking Ask Ubuntu for bug reports

You're talking as if Launchpad and Ask Ubuntu users are these two completely separate user bases. But with the odd exception, we're Ubuntu users. The conversation isn't really about what's best for somebody shouting out their bug report, or what's most like another Stack Exchange site; it's about what's best for Ubuntu.

However effectively you think bug trackers are used, depriving them of original bugs hurts Ubuntu.

Now, if a bug is already reported, and the question isn't super-lazy, you can answer something like this:

This looks a lot like it might be Title of the bug report. It is responsible for this, that and the other and exists because of this explanation.

There currently aren't any was of fixing this but subscribe to the bug (link how) and you'll know as soon as it's been dealt with.

(Obviously if there is a way to directly help fix it at that point in time, explain it.)

Or dupe against a question already has that. I've already explained that I consider these a million times better than blankly closing and having the OP post a duplicate bug on LP.

If it sounds like I'm arguing both ways, it's probably because I am. Being helpful directly is great but we also have to be realistic about the type of question that can be meaningfully answered here. And how that feeds back into the Ubuntu lifecycle.

Does that mean exposing users to a side of Ubuntu they're unfamiliar with? Sure! But teaching people how the meat's made isn't a bad thing.

Oli Mod
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