I have been finding that my judgement about review items in Low Quality Queue contrasts drastically compared to fellow members of this site. 

I find the posts to be "good"; whereas others "recommend to delete" more often. Do remember, that bad and incorrect answers should be voted-down, not deleted. Correct me if I am wrong about the "not deleted" part.


Below are some of the recent examples (providing the post contents in quote in case it does get deleted by the system in the interim):

- https://askubuntu.com/review/low-quality-posts/239759

 The answer provided was:

 > Try doubleklicking speaker in sound settings. Had the same error as you do and this did the trick for me.

 It does attempt to answer the question about sound issues. I don't know if it would solve it, but as the answerer said, it worked for him. Maybe it won't work for anybody, but hey it works in some cases. Hence, my reasoning that it **"Looks Good"**.

- https://askubuntu.com/review/low-quality-posts/237467

 The answer provided was:

 > You must set permision for user for write.
 >     chmod -w /path_to_ftp_folder/ftp

 The question is about an issue with permissions and it answers to change permissions with a command. I don't know if it is correct, but it does attempt to answer the question. Hence, my reasoning that it **"Looks Good"**.

- https://askubuntu.com/review/low-quality-posts/236989

 The answer provided was:

 > You can use command line to shut down pc in normal way.
 >     sudo shutdown -P now

 The question says that the user isn't able to shutdown the PC normally. Shutting down only logs him out of the system. This answer provides a way to shutdown via terminal. Okay, it doesn't solve the issue. But atleast, it provides an interim solution until the problem gets actually solved. Hence, my reasoning that it **"Looks Good"**.


I can definitely provide a lot of more examples, but haven't really dug so deep into my review history. What is the opinion of the community? Am I reviewing this queue correctly, or my reasoning doesn't seem good and I shouldn't click **"Looks Good"** this often? Or, the community isn't reviewing the posts properly? I know the system automatically flags a lot of posts as Low quality.