I have to admit I don't recall the exact order in which I performed these actions but as they were effective I will share them here.

I posted a comment on the post encouraging further editing to add detail that would help us determine why "all the answers" that were tried failed. I did not vote to re-open as I didn't feel that rewarding profanity was appropriate. 

I attempted to draw attention to the problem by:

A) Opening this question (In retrospect perhaps I should have tagged it differently I'd like to here opinions on that).

B) Dropping a comment in the [Ubuntu Regulators Chat Room](http://chat.stackexchange.com/rooms/206/ubuntu-regulators) and when it appeared that room was virtually vacant also dropping a comment in the [Ask Ubuntu General Chat Room](http://chat.stackexchange.com/rooms/201/ask-ubuntu-general-room)

C) I visited [the question called as duplicate](https://askubuntu.com/questions/58584/can-i-automatically-deactivate-my-touchpad-when-a-usb-mouse-is-connected) and edited [one of the answers](https://askubuntu.com/a/58586/225694) that I was quickly able to determine was out of date. More work is clearly required to bring this one up to current day. I'm afraid I have nothing more to offer in that regard and trust that those of us inthe community that have the necessary skills will step up further address the issue.

Clearly this approach was effective as the [Revision History](https://askubuntu.com/posts/882571/revisions) no longer contains the profanity I was concerned about.