Confounding factors<sup>*</sup> aside, questions (and answers) like this tend to have long term popularity *because* people are trying to find a solution to the same problem. What *you* might think too obvious, or solved by `man whatever`, other people turn to Google (et al) as the first port of call.

Our goal is to *answer* questions so just telling them to look it up elsewhere isn't welcome. If that happens to you, flag it. Seriously, RTFM answers (and comments) have no place here.

That's not to say we're against people improving themselves. A really good answer won't stop at answering the question, it'll tell you how to answer questions like that in the future.


<sup>*</sup> Questions like this might be *initially* popular because people like low-hanging fruit. Some of the more simple things also tend to be solvable in a variety of ways and people like a good round of Code Golf and it's also a great way to learn advanced things you thought you already knew.

The [people with a Gold]( in [tag:command-line] are fine specimens of low fruit eaters :)