1. Why [tag:filesystem-hierarchy] is forbidden as a tag? Why can't the tag exist alongside [tag:filesystem]? Is the former too minor a tag to have a separate identity (_even in Linux!_)?

2. Do we want our tags to be general or specific?


Tag [tag:filesystem-hierarchy] [proposed with](https://askubuntu.com/posts/439920/revisions):

> Filesystem Hierarchy Standard (FHS) is a standard followed by the filesystem layout design in Unix and Unix-like operating system. In this standard there is a root directory denoted by`/` (forward slash) and all the other directories (like `/bin`, `/boot`, `/dev`, `/etc`, `/home`, `/proc`, `/lib`, `/usr`, `/tmp`, `/root`, `/var`, etc.) and files are taken under its consideration. 

> The [tag:filesystem-hierarchy] tag should be used in questions that query about the directories and files in Ubuntu/Linux filesystem hierarchy. 

> Wikipedia link: <http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Filesystem_Hierarchy_Standard>