> Adding a picture to a question or answer is now as easy as …
> 1. Clicking the Insert Image ![enter image description here][1] toolbar button toolbar button
> 2. Selecting an image from your computer, or the web
> 3. Clicking Upload

![enter image description here][2]

**Note: you need to be registered member in the site with at least 10 reputation in order to [gain the privilege to use this feature][3].**

Source: [How to upload an image to a post?][4]

  [1]: https://i.sstatic.net/fcznI.png
  [2]: https://i.sstatic.net/5MlQW.png
  [3]: http://askubuntu.com/help/privileges/new-user
  [4]: http://meta.stackoverflow.com/q/75491/223264