Thanks for bringing this up. I too am frustrated that we've only got ~1700 users. I can tell you what I've been doing to get this off the ground. (I am a Canonical employee but doing this because I think it's a great idea, it's not assigned to me or anything like that). - Blogged on planet ubuntu. Tweeted a ton of times. - Mailed the reddit/r/ubuntu guys to add a link (they have like 8000 people over there!) (Done) - Asked teams within Canonical and Ubuntu to use and support the site. - Asked Jono to post a link in the Ubuntu Facebook group, which he did twice. - Asked it to be put in the /topic of #ubuntu to make that channel actually useful. (Got declined on this one.) - Asked for it to be included in Ubuntu Weekly News. (Done) - Asked for the top 5 hot questions and top 5 contributors of the week to be included in each issues. (Done) - Sent in a voicemail announcement to the Ubuntu UK podcast. (Done) - Asked 2 LinuxJournal authors to tweet it. (One of them did) - Started a conversation with the Launchpad developers about the future of Launchpad answers. - Talked to the Canonical design team on help with the design and logos. (Done) - Community call for help to [support the exchange][1] in Gwibber. - [Bug report][2] with linked first implementation. (Needs help finishing it off!) Unfortunately we still have a chicken and egg problem. - Many people still "don't get" the SE experience, so we need help trying to explain it. For example see morberley's answer to [this question][3], we're going to need this exact kind of help to make it work. - Many people want to support whatever the "official" thing is. We can't become "official" until people use it and there's quality content out there. I am open to any ideas, but please hang in there! [1]: [2]: [3]: