**sudoedit** is an abstract reference, that is it will point by default to the editor selected by the distribution, or if the default is overridden to whatever editor selected see [http://www.cs-repository.info/][1].  This override likely would be caught by a system admin, but not by an inexperienced user (who could have actually made the changes).  The danger here is the non-default editor could have shell escapes.  An additional caution is that an example presented pedagogically would be different if the default editor had be changed to **vi** or **emacs** both of which have been defaults for **sudoedit** in the past, or other editor.  **vi** is currently the default choice of [http://www.sudo.ws/sudo/sudo.html][2]

**nano** is a specific GNU editor with no shell escapes (and is the default **sudoedit** editor in later distributions of Ubuntu).  When executed with the "` -B`" ( or "` --backup`") option it offers safety and relative ease for superuser editing using the terminal.

**gksu gedit** is excellent for this purpose and favored by the command-line phobic or command-line adverse.  I after 45 years in this business used it until I discovered **nano**.

My idea⋯offer **gksu gedit $file** or **nano -B $file** with the other as an alternative and leave **sudoedit** alone.

Personally, I would never recommend **sudoedit** to a non-sysadmin.

That's my 12₵ worth (2₵ in '65 dollars)

**O.K., another 12₵ worth…**

First of all, when I was first introduced to **sudo** I didn't like it. After all, when I first started using [computers][3], the terminal was a [real teletype machine][4]. 

But I've learned to go with the flow, and there were some very good reasons to use **sudo**, a good synopsis is [here][6].  Basically for the inexperienced user it helps prevent unintended consequences when superusing (or super *like* using).

But the protection of **sudo** can be breached by shell escapes (i.e. http://docstore.mik.ua/orelly/unix/upt/ch30_26.htm), notably **vi**, which allows a user run commands in a subshell, as an superuser.

A senario is an inexperienced user finds out that he can change **sudo** while mucking about on the Internet(*i.e.* [diddling with `/etc/sudoers`][7]) to, for example, use **sudo** without requiring a password .  He does this and then discovers all the other *cool* things he can do. The unintended consequence here is that the inexperienced user may not grasp all the implications of `sudo visudo`.  Abstraction *e.g.* **sudoedit** and `sudo visudo` contribute to unintended consequences.

  - Of course trying to protect users from these things is like herding cats.
**nano** is a great choice for inexperienced users (and for me who likes to eschew the command-line when practical) in that it is most like GUI editors.  I'm confident that's why Ubuntu selected it as the default editor of **sudoedit**.

But my thinking is to avoid abstraction unless it has obvious benefits, hence **sudo nano -B** vice **sudoedit** and occasionally `gksu gedit $file` (or `gksu jEdit $file` if I'm amped up).

  - The nub of the discussion is how far to go herding cats.  


  [1]: http://www.cs-repository.info/
  [2]: http://www.sudo.ws/sudo/sudo.html
  [3]: http://hpmuseum.net/images/2115A-2-filled-44.jpg
  [4]: http://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/7/76/ASR-33_1.jpg
  [5]: http://hpmuseum.net/images/2115A-2-filled-44.jpg
  [6]: http://www.sudo.ws/sudo/intro.html
  [7]: http://docstore.mik.ua/orelly/unix/upt/ch30_26.htm