May I ask why you need these two tags created?  Not every program in the repositories requires a tag, and tags should only be created  when they are **absolutely** needed.  Otherwise, if they're sparsely used, they tend to get removed or merged with other tags.

***EDIT***<br />
A google search of the site for `pyRenamer` only returns it being mentioned as a solution for mass renaming.  Same for `Krename`.  There is no need for a tag for a program that is mentioned as a solution - only for a tag in which there are at least a few questions pertaining to the need for support with a program (i.e. "pyRenamer won't run, how can I fix this?"), to which this does not apply.

***EDIT2***<br />
We have decided that the tags for the specific programs themselves is now unnecessary.  Per the comments to this answer, it has now come down to deciding on whether to leave the [tag:rename] tag as is or whether to split them: [tag:general-rename] and [tag:mass-rename].  My opinion on this is as follows:  For the given use cases as specified in teh question's comments showing two questions pertaining to mass renaming, the [tag:rename] tag is sufficient for the purpose: "rename" covers manual renaming and technically mass renaming as both are renaming of files.  At this point, we would like community involvement in this question, including moderator opinions.