I noticed there are many edit suggestions which fix a handful of issues with the post, e.g. some typos & capitalisations, spelling & grammar issues, line breaks etc., but leaves out many more. Many of these suggestions **don't** include embedding images from imgur URLs*, usage of code-blocks to fix ugly wall of codes etc. What should we do with these kinds of suggested edits? A suggestion like this does *technically* improve the post, so probably it should be approved (and should certainly be improved upon), but I'm afraid by doing so we will never let the editor know the issues with their suggestion (I think most of the times they won't come back and check further edits to the post once their edit is approved) so that they could come up with better edit suggestions in future. ---- *Just to clarify the "imgur URL" part, when a user with low reps (< 10 ?) tries to add a screenshot to their post, it gets added as an imgur link instead of an embedded image. I meant those kind of images, not some random pics from imgur.