I agree with head post and I'd go further.  If in doubt, leave the old stuff alone.

I know there are strong views, particularly about our "unanswered questions" number but it's just a statistic and "fixing" it by closing and deleting a load of old stuff is only conditioning that number.

**Removing old posts doesn't actually help people.** Of course that's completely too broad a statement to always be true but in general, scouring posts from two or three years ago, looking for issues is only going to result in your throwing a bunch of time into nothingness.

Just remember the aim of the site isn't to have the best unanswered score on the network, it's to help people. If you find yourself consistently looking at ancient stuff —as can really be the case when you spend too long in review— take a step back and find a better place to put your effort in.

Answering and curating *today's* questions is the absolute best thing you can do on the site. The easiest place to stay on top of current questions is the [New Questions page][1].

Review is important because it also highlights *new* issues, but I really wish there was a time filter on there so people aren't just removing posts, they're writing new answers too.

  [1]: http://askubuntu.com/questions