The point of the rep and privileges is to reward users who use the site by giving them some control for there contributions. 

You are hearing "I don't belong here" but it is more like "please make a few small contributions to the site, we are helping you for free, give something back to unlock some features"

50 rep is nothing really and there are many ways you can make it

1) Edit some bad posts +2 rep per accepted edit.

2) Ask good questions +5 rep per vote and +2 if you accept an answer.

3) Answer a few questions +10 rep per up vote and +15 for an accepted answer.

Everyone starts form 1 and must work there way up, people think they should be able to do what they want here right away but that is not the point.

We aim to keep the quality of the site as high as possible and this means locking some features out to new users, it avoids things like spam or abuse etc...

As you have never even asked a question here, I think you are jumping the gun a bit with the complaints, don't you?

Here is a [full list of available privileges][1] and what you need to do to get them.

In short, you get what you give :)
