You have 4 deleted answers that factor into the answer ban (and none on the post fossfreedom mentioned above, so it doesn't look like your original answer was ever actually posted). 

Unfortunately 2 of them aren't even attempts to answer the question, more comments. The other 2 do attempt to answer the question (they're actually exact duplicates), but both mention Mint and refer to a package that doesn't exist in the latest version of Ubuntu. It does exist in several older, still supported versions however, so I will undelete one of those answers with a slight edit to make it more apparent that the answers are still relevant (I'll also be closing the other question as a duplicate of the first, since they are asking the same thing and the answers are the same).

Sorry for the confusion on those answers. It helps if you are going to mention Mint to make it very obvious the answer still applies to Ubuntu, otherwise this is likely to happen again.  It looks like this (and an upvote on that one answer) has unbanned you. Please be very careful what you post as answers otherwise this is likely to happen again.  

As to your question, I'm not sure we can really help you here. We don't support "tailored" versions of ubuntu since anything or everything could be changed or different and that has led to many problems in the past. You would probably be much better off over on If you want drop by [chat]( and post a link to your U&L question, sometimes people are willing to go out of their way to help anyway, even if it isn't official Ubuntu.