Nope, but it is harder to enforce than real swears. 

It still means the same thing, and is recognized as the same so ♥'s or ★'s are going to make it any better.


Profiles, are a entirely different matter:


Also note that comments that contain certain swear words are automatically deleted when flagged.

And If it fits this description:

> it is offensive, abusive, or hate speech This question contains
> content that a reasonable person would deem inappropriate for
> respectful discourse.

or for comments:

> rude or offensive

Flag them.


> Be nice.
> Civility is required at all times; rudeness will not be tolerated.
> Treat others with the same respect you’d want them to treat you
> because we’re all here to learn, together. Be tolerant of others who
> may not know everything you know, and bring your sense of humor.
> Please note that expletives are not allowed. If you use expletives on
> this site, you may be issued a warning or a suspension.