**TL;DR: Don't cast EOL close votes on old questions if the release in question was supported _at the time of posting_.**


Yes, [this is a blatant dupe](https://meta.askubuntu.com/questions/16132/please-dont-flag-old-questions-as-eol). Actually, it's also a dupe of [this](https://meta.askubuntu.com/questions/14993/a-note-on-flagging-end-of-life-questions). 
But... it seems a reminder is warranted regardless.

This has came up at least twice in the last few days in [Raiders of the Lost Downboat](https://chat.stackexchange.com/rooms/3877/raiders-of-the-lost-downboat), and... I think it's time to address it here.

A question was posted about some version of Ubuntu, and it was _not_ EOL when the question was posted. Then, several users go and cast close votes for it being EOL _now_. This isn't really in line with our guidence. We don't go mass-closing old questions purely because they are about releases that have gone EOL since posting.

If the release of Ubuntu was supported _at the time of posting_, then it's still on-topic. If it's off-topic for other reasons, that's fine, but that's also not the problem here.

So when casting close votes (or flagging to close) questions as EOL, please remember to check the date the question was posted to see if it was a supported release then.