<p>Today (2013-12-11), in 3-4 occasions, <a href="http://chat.stackexchange.com/transcript/201/2013/12/11">regulars in chat rooms</a> expressed their concerns that users do not know how to use the site. Is not surprising considering that our eternal September hasn't ended yet, and senior members on AU aren't enough for the amount of new users that reach us. <a href="http://meta.askubuntu.com/q/7295/169736">My previous proposal</a> was more or less left without further discussion with +5/-3 votes and an answer of Eliah, so I would want to bring this up again.</p>

<p><a href="http://meta.stackexchange.com/q/157121/213575">Do we need already the reviews audits</a>?</p>

<h3>Reasons (?):</h3>

<li>We are over Super User amount of questions per day, and SU has it.</li>
<li>We are more popular (aka hits) than all but 2 SE sites.</li>
<li>Our general question quality is bad.</li>
<li>The quality of the answers is somewhat bad too.</li>
<li>The amount of (bad) questions are almost reaching the amount of answers.</li>
<li>We get a better Ask Ubuntu, and we could be more alert when reviewing stuff</li>
<li>This has been pointed out already several times, <a href="http://meta.askubuntu.com/q/8421/169736">even Moderators</a></li>


<li>Users will ask why they failed a review audit</li>
<li>Any other?</li>