I have read the question about http://meta.askubuntu.com/questions/946/what-is-the-process-of-removing-a-moderator-from-office-if-he-she-goes-rogue but here I want to know what actions would be done after a moderator is known to be rogue. For example, apart form removing he/she from moderator status can it also:

+ Reverse any damage made by the moderator to questions, answers, flags, users, etc..

+ Notify harmed users 

+ Verify if this bad moderator is also a moderator in another site and remove he/she from status (To prevent another problem)

What can actually be done in case of some moderator going wild. My question started after looking at the nominations right now and seeing a very strange nominated user who appears on other sites for nomination and has little score in all. This makes me wonder a lot about the intent to go for moderator and what could happen. With this in mind should there be an update on the rules to include:

+ A higher needed participation on the site
+ A higher score to make sure he/she is safe as a moderator (Or at least safer than someone with 100 score for example)
+ Any other particular rule that can help in having a less chance of having a rogue one.