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To all those newbie of ubuntu, does you get your query solved in most easy step ?

Most easy step is a relative measure. I find installing software from terminal most easy. But, some other users may not agree with me. So, my answer and their answer may look different. They may provide a GUI step. And for newbie, if is also relative. Some may find terminal way better, some may prefer GUI way. So, there is no absolute measure of most easy steps.

Most of the time, I have seen questions are either left unanswered or are linked to duplicate questions in comments. Ubuntu versions make difference. So they are not exactly duplicate questions as they differ from older versions.

The duplicateness of a question is determined by the Moderators, but most of the time by the Ask Ubuntu users. 5 votes are required by the users to close a question (if not moderation action is taken). So, you can't just say, they are all wrong. If you have any specific objection about a closing of a question, discuss that issue in meta site of Ask Ubuntu. There are many examples of such questions. Just look at this query. Here is some example, for the answer being easy.

there are may examples of such questions and those are answered in good

Does reputation points work really great or does it mislead users in answering or trusting the solution?

You don't need to look at the reputation of the answerer. You simply need to follow the steps. Some users are really new, so they don't have enough reputation. But, that doesn't mean, their solutions are bad. In early time in AskUbuntu, I have one answer accepted where a much higher reputed user gave an answer. Also, acceptance depends on OP. Otherwise, reputation points work good, if not great

Newbie users need answers in much easy step. If they get tough solution, won't those users go back to other systems?

That really depends on the newbies. Some newbies are really like winning over a tough situation and they stick to Ubuntu. Some may go back to older systems. We don't want to lose them but, We really can't help beyond our ability, Sorry.

Ask Ubuntu works very well but the questions of newbie users, who get migrated from Windows, are not answered in easy steps.

Is Ask Ubuntu making answer in easy step to newbie?

I think, Yes, Ask Ubuntu making answers in as easy step as possible.

A note on easiness and AU answerers and users: Well, Ask Ubuntu is run (meaning working) by voluntary and free help of many of the Ubuntu users. They are not paid for this service. So, we can't blame them for uneasiness of solutions. Sometimes there is no easy solutions either. For example, If a user ask, I liked the Windows File Explorer, How do I run this on Ubuntu?. There is no easy solution to this question, I think.

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