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Honestly, the goal of the site is to provide the best, most accurate and complete answer. If there is a complex question that can be solved using a simple approach - then that's even better.

In the end the question will dictate how "complex" the answer is. Here's an example question which has two correct answers. One that's completely correct, but very complex. The other is simple by nature, though not entirely "complete" with the end results. In this case the author has found the latter answer sufficient - but the community can also add merit to other answers by voting on them. Doing so helps to highlight multiple potentially great answers that helps add value to the question - and to other users seeking a solution to that same question.

As the question asker you don't have to settle for an answer that's unsatisfactory. We're building a community of experts - answering questions and asking them too. Eventually if you don't find the answer you're looking for - you can apply a bounty to the question to help prod a more complex, but complete, answer.

That information can be found in our FAQ - You'll want to try and avoid discussion forum style questions that are vague though. If you can keep questions focused on a particular item - the complexity of the question doesn't matter. Most of the time it's the scope of the question that causes an issue on this site.

Marco Ceppi Mod
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