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What can we do about high traffic duplicates?

Upgrade Ubuntu 10.04 to 11.04 is a duplicate question, merged with the more general How to Upgrade from a very old release to the latest.

The problem? How to Upgrade has about nine thousand views. Its closed, unanswered duplicate has over twenty-five thousand, making it one of the most popular questions on AskUbuntu. At least sixteen thousand people came to that question through search engines, and did not follow the "Possible duplicate" link to its answer.

Clearly more people search "upgrade 10.04 to 11.04" than "upgrade from old release to latest", and they don't understand SE's duplicate redirection system. AU is failing them. What can we do about situations like this?

January 13: I just proposed something on meta stackoverflow. Little chance of getting noticed, and probably not ideal, but it's something.

  • 13.9k
  • 17
  • 26