I noticed [my answer](https://askubuntu.com/revisions/1020934/3) to a question was [revised and approved](https://askubuntu.com/revisions/1020934/4) for no apparent reason other than markdown preference.  

### Question

What is the preferred formatting of an ordered list using markdown?  I can't find a preference for numbered lists in the [Style Guide for questions and answers](https://meta.askubuntu.com/a/103/139249).  On a "Stack site" like this that uses [markdown syntax that doesn't care](https://daringfireball.net/projects/markdown/syntax#list), it might seem nitpicky. But also considering syntax wasn't targeted for community revisions, should a best practice be defined?

I didn't edit the [Style Guide](https://meta.askubuntu.com/a/103/139249) as its unclear to me how to build consensus, so I posted this question. It's also not clear to me if more appropriate that changes should be made on the [formatting help page](https://meta.askubuntu.com/editing-help#simple-lists)?

### Background Rationale  

In my original post I used a nonordinal number (`0.`), intentionally not defining index. The edit changed placeholders in favor ordinal numbers (`1.`, `2.`, ... `N.`) to define an index.  

Although it is syntactically correct, when edited, using ordinal numbering seems less flexible or clear (in a diff); creating a cascading change effect.