I personally agree that we should try to help the users as much as we can rather than appear to give them the brush off. Utilizing https://meta.stackexchange.com/questions/92060/add-data-se-style-magic-links-to-comments can make this faster and easier to do. While I consider it admirable to take this approach, I understand that many may feel it's unnecessary as if someone actually bothers to read https://askubuntu.com/help/how-to-ask , [the tour page](https://askubuntu.com/tour) and visited [the help center](https://askubuntu.com/help) and actually did thoroughly search for an answer it may seem that they should have been able to find a better place to ask or would have found the answer already. Sadly many are not exceptionally skilled at forming questions and are challenged when it comes to searching for information that is outside their area of expertise. I have no doubt that we have all seen numerous examples of poorly phrased, poorly researched questions. The final determination as to exactly how helpful to be must (and should) be left to the user commenting. Whether it's a "small thing" is a matter of opinion and depends on what may or may not be competing for the commenter's time when the comment is crafted. We all have our criteria that we use for making that determination. I know that I am unlikely to try to be very helpful to those who provide beliefs rather than facts regarding their issue, claim to have tried *everything* and whine about well deserved closures without even making an attempt to edit their post to bring it up to [site standards](https://askubuntu.com/help/how-to-ask).