What are Canonical questions ? What is the updated list of canonical question for our website ? Can I publish one Canonical question ? My suggestion s on canonical questions.
Yes ! I read this question And it was useful , But this contains some old information , And I want the updated information.
What Actually I want
I want to know existing Canonical questions in our website.
I want to give some suggestions
I want to know How can I ask one Canonical question .
1.What are existing canonical questions
I want to know what are existing Canonical questions and is this A Canonical question ?
We should have a tag or Some sort of a different library as a Canonical question library , So that we can browse through the tag or library and know if our question is already asked or not.
Every Canonical question should have an automatic bounty of like 35 or 50 ( I mean If a user asks a question with canonical tag the question should have a bounty from the system not users reputation )
People who are having above 300 reputation should have privellige to ask and answer canonical questions.
How can I ask a Canonical question
For an example [This] (Network Interface not config in 12.04 LST USB boot) And this Are some same questions and have the same answer ( maybe I am wrong ) And even not these there are like hundreds of same question with other subjects and body but same problem and answer. So I wanted to ask a question as I did here But it didn't seem to be working. So is there some special way to create a new canonical question. ?
Thankyou for giving your precious time I am still newbie to this website so plz forgive any mistakes. I just wanted to give my suggestions and wanted to know more on this topic. Again I have read this question What are common canonical questions for our site? and links in it.