###An exceptional situation I was almost going to ask the same question, since I answered the linked question accidentally, not noticing it was off-topic (my eye fell on gnome, in reflex I assumed it was on-topic)
In general, it should be marked as off-topic of course, accepted or not, since it simply is off-topic. In this case however, I decided not to.
###Why I didn't mark it as off-topic
In many answers on AU, editing gsettings
is done from cron
incorrectly, and obviously untested by the answerer. The missing environment variable DBUS_SESSION_BUS_ADDRESS
makes the answer(s) in question not work (by definition), in spite of the many upvotes these answers often get.
Since the answer in your linked question is on topic, and applicable on many on-topic situations, I decided it would be a shame to have the question to be marked off-topic, for a reason that turns out to be irrelevant to the question (OP using Oracle Linux). We should not "throw the baby away, together with the bathwater" as we say in the Netherlands.
I consider this an exceptional situation however.