The problem, beside Jacob Vlijm's case, which is a particular case, actually exists (thanks to muru for the link): if you lose reputation after having capped the limit due to other reasons (downvotes or bounties), the reputation loss is not balanced by the amount of reputation gained over the limit.
Here's a summary of my reputation variation two days ago (09/02).
"post" view:
- Had some upvotes between 00:00 and 9:09, which gave me 10 reputation each;
- Had a downvote at 9:09, which gave me -2 reputation;
- Had some upvotes to the point of capping 200 with an upvote at 18.53, which only gave me 2 reputation ("balancing" the downvote at 9:09) (the timestamp reports 19.14 because as explained in the next point I've had two upvotes shortly after which gave me no reputation which were merged into a single entry; so the timestamp of the last one is reported);
- Had 2 upvotes, which gave me no reputation;
- Had a final downvote at 22:57, which gave me -2 reputation, making the daily total 198.
Doing some math, out of a total of 23 upvotes and 2 downvotes I gained a total of 198 reputation because the last vote was a downvote.
"time" view: