Unless I'm missing something, muru's answer applies to this specific case, but the problem, beside Jacob Vlijm's case, which is a particular case, actually exists.
Here's a summary of my reputation variation two days ago (09/02).
"post" view:
- Had some upvotes between 00:00 and 9:09, which gave me 10 reputation each;
- Had a downvote at 9:09, which gave me -2 reputation;
- Had some upvotes to the point of capping 200 with an upvote at 18.53, which only gave me 2 reputation ("balancing" the downvote at 9:09) (the timestamp reports 19.14 because as explained in the next point I've had two upvotes shortly after which gave me no reputation which were merged into a single entry; so the timestamp of the last one is reported);
- Had 2 upvotes, which gave me no reputation;
- Had a final downvote at 22:57, which gave me -2 reputation, making the daily total 198.
Doing some math, out of a total of 23 upvotes and 2 downvotes I gained a total of 198 reputation because the last vote was a downvote.
"time" view: