Other sites I frequent have a tag related to history (not your command history):
For sometime now, I have felt we could use a similar tag. Questions like the following:
- Why did the Ubuntu GNOME logo change in 15.10?
- What's the meaning of the Ubuntu logo? Where does it come from?
- Why is Canonical choosing QT over GTK for Unity's next generation?
- Why did Ubuntu stop free shipping of its CDs?
- What's the reason for Ubuntu officially supporting versions such as Kubuntu, Lubuntu, Xubuntu?
- What happened to Ubuntu Certified Professional? (closed as a dupe of What is the current state of the Ubuntu Professional certification?)
- http://askubuntu.com/questions/20251/what-happened-to-android-execution-environment (closed as a dupe of Plans to make Android Apps run on Ubuntu abandoned?)
- What happened to the Leadership Code of Conduct?
- What happened to Ubuntu's Hall of Fame page?
- What happened to Gobuntu?
These questions ask why some things happened the way they did, which is what history is. Thoughts?