Following searching various things for this question, I found:
which seems like a mirror copy of:
Does Canonical have other deals with companies like the Amazon search feature?
Now this makes me thing of 4 things:
- Is this site here to do harm? (e.g. a SE user signs in through it and gets their account nicked)
- Isn't there copyright infringement stuff that might cause issue?
- Is it affiliated with Ubuntu / Stack Exchange anyway?
- Any advertising making money from our content?
I have in the past found various weird sites that contain shortened versions of Stack Exchange questions/answers and link to the main post (e.g. this site), this is the first that seems to be trying to copy it exactly..
At the bottom it links to appears to be some weird Q&A site.
It also updates to keep up-to-date with the current site. Compare &, then panic.