I understand your point about how users think of this as a forum, but there are efforts being made. It isn't that big of a deal to click "close" and type two sentences as a comment (if there is none already). Heck, you can even have a list of possible comments to add.
Also, what if I had the question Difference between gksudo and sudo, why would you ask for a screenshot? IIRC there's some guide that pops up for new users that's how to ask, but I can't seem to replicate that (duh!).
Just for emphasis, I wrote this (probably a duplicate):
What's the difference between gksudo and sudo?
Problem in detail:
I noticed sometimes you use gksudo for root privileges and you can also use sudo. Is there any difference?
Tried solving by:
I don't know, asking you?
When did it start? Did you install anything?
Uhh... since the beginning of Ubuntu? I installed Ubuntu and Chrome... :/
Could you provide a screenshot or a link to an image?
That probably is something close to what might actually happen. Other users might get discouraged and go to Ubuntu forums (yuck!). Not to mention, linking images is a bad idea if the linked site goes down.