I have edited the answer from the new question into the stub answer posted by the OP and merged the new question into the old one which [moved the answer there](https://askubuntu.com/a/1271122/527764).

I should probably have noticed that the question got protected last time it got a new NAA (because it was me who deleted it) and unprotected it, because the first two answers posted were by the same person and not spam or "me too" posts, and it's unanswered.

Recently, [we (of the Downboat) unprotected some unnecessarily protected questions](https://chat.stackexchange.com/transcript/3877?m=54688056#54688056). I also unprotected some questions whose deleted answers were actually *critiques of existing answers* (like "I tried this answer but ...") rather than spam/me-too, indicating that *the post needs more answers*. It's a bit unfortunate that there isn't a review process for this, and also that while Community♦ often automatically protects questions, there is no process (such as a timeout) to automatically unprotect them. So anyone who has the privilege of unprotecting questions should keep an eye out for opportunities to use it.

If you see a *highly active question* that clearly **needs more answers**, but you don't have the privilege of unprotecting it (or of checking out its deleted answers), you can always come to [the Downboat][1] to get folks to look at it, raise a flag for mod attention, or post on meta.

Thanks a lot for catching this and bringing it to attention, and thanks Mark Kirby your help and for answering here.

[1]: https://chat.stackexchange.com/rooms/3877/raiders-of-the-lost-downboat