I think the answer below (originally [this answer](http://askubuntu.com/a/551652/85695) of yours) is a good example of why people don't upvote them. While I'm sure the script does what you say it does, you are giving 8 lines of Python code that need to be saved as a script and then run for something that can be done in a single `find` command. 

As a general rule, giving scripts for things that can be solved with standard commands or simple one-liners feels like using a tank to kill a fly. It works but it is really not worth the effort. It reminds me of an answer I can't seem to find anymore where the answerer was bragging about having "ninja'd" for providing a C solution to a text parsing problem O_o. The thing probably worked but C for text parsing?

I feel kind of the same way with many of your answers which provide what I'm sure are good scripts but which are attempting to replace basic UNIX commands and so are serious overkill. I wouldn't downvote any of them and you are free to provide them if you enjoy it but if that's the kind of thing you like, you might have more fun on SO. 

![enter image description here][1]

  [1]: https://i.sstatic.net/Kwq9q.png