[Wikipedia][1] says the following: > In computing, the term remote desktop refers to a software or operating system feature that allows a personal computer's desktop environment to be run remotely on one system, while being displayed on a separate client device... Taking over a desktop remotely is a form of [remote administration][2]. I think that Remote Administration covers [tag:remote-desktop]. [tag:remote], [tag:remote-access]. I don't like the current description of [tag:remote-desktop] - I personally feel that it should refer to GUI access only, not command line programs. My preference would be to create a new tag of [tag:remote-administration] and make them all synonyms of it, but I can understand why this might not be the prefered solution - in which case I would agree with Kaz and make [tag:remote-desktop] a synonym of [tag:remote-access]. [1]: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Remote_desktop_software [2]: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Remote_administration