You've had a few edits rejected and most approved. Three of those that were rejected had reasons: One was a "reject and edit" and the reviewer went back to the original and completely reworded it. The other one is by a person I know well and he just likes to have the link to the external site in plain style to ensure clear communication that this is off-site and doesn't like the [click here](http://lmgtfy) so he rejected an edit *to his own post himself*... The other one was rejected by the system due to a subsequent edit... I'm a reviewer and I'm not perfect. I try to do the best job I can and so do you. I normally "approve and edit" unless I've warned you in a comment or the chat room and you keep making the same mistakes. (unless it's just a *really bad edit*, in which case I just reject and edit...) Other reviewers will just "approve" or "reject" to go through the queue quicker without any subsequent edits, so it's hard to guess for you (or me or anyone else) why some things got rejected. If you would like more info on particular edits and it was me who rejected, feel free to drop by in the chat room and ping me...