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Questions tagged [voting]

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2 votes
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Large number of -1 posts

Seems lately there are an excessive number of -1 votes on unanswered & answered questions, majority of which are unwarranted. Just 'fixed' probably 10 found in the latest 50. What's going on? ...
doug's user avatar
  • 17.2k
2 votes
0 answers

Why does the community bot upvote some things?

I have a question about the Community moderator bot. I have seen and understood what its mission is. I also noticed something that was weird, at least for me. The bot votes several questions. And ...
NlightNFotis's user avatar
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2 votes
2 answers

Is it proper to downvote a question that describes a bug?

After a research, and finding no solution to the problem I faced on my Ubuntu machine, I made and posted a detailed question to Ask Ubuntu. To my surprise, what I have is a bug (not sure if known or ...
Gediminas Jeremiah Gudelis's user avatar
1 vote
2 answers

Why is this question about the solar eclipse so heavily downvoted?

I am talking about Will the Great American Eclipse Crash Ubuntu here. Just in case, here is its content: Wondering if my computer will crash because of the Eclipse? Anything I need to do to ...
Byte Commander's user avatar
  • 109k
1 vote
2 answers

Spontaneous Reputation Loss

I had a 308 reputation about thirty minutes ago, and someone has spontaneously down-voted at least four of my answers, and voted to delete them. I expect that this will happen more, and I would like ...
Logan's user avatar
  • 482
1 vote
1 answer

Should otherwise obsolete comments sometimes be retained for the community opinion their upvotes express?

Sometimes a comment with lots of upvotes is still obsolete and should be removed. This is usually the case, for example, when it requests information that the OP then provides (and provides in such a ...
Eliah Kagan's user avatar
1 vote
1 answer

Why wasn't I reminded to consider accepting the answer to my question that I upvoted?

I upvoted Marco Ceppi's answer to this question of mine here on meta. But I am waiting on accepting the answer until it provides more of the information I had requested. I had posted a comment to this ...
Eliah Kagan's user avatar
1 vote
1 answer

Should the tooltip that appears when voting up a question be modified?

It currently reads: This question shows research effort; it is useful and clear. What about questions that show no or minimal research effort but are useful? For example, I upvoted Is there an ...
user avatar
0 votes
1 answer

Will bounty be given to the accepted answer?

There is a question which had a bounty and it was given to the highest voted answer (as the faq says), but none of the answers has been accepted yet. What if someone answers this question (perhaps ...
Rahul Virpara's user avatar
0 votes
2 answers

Always Allow Voting and Commenting Privleges For Users With More than 200 on other Stack Exchange Sites

As the question Am I allowed to ask for a rep boost indicates, offering a bounty without realizing that you will no longer be able to comment or vote seems to not be atypical. This is exactly what ...
Michael's user avatar
  • 195
0 votes
2 answers

Reason for question beeing Downvoted?

I know this is a common question asked here. But I am not understanding why my Question was downvoted. Is it because its stupid or not well written or something else. Shouldn't there be a system for ...
Mohit Rajan's user avatar
-3 votes
2 answers

This is what we should be worring about, we are upvoting CRAP in Ask Ubuntu!

This is the exact contrary to "Should we get worried about in what direction Ask Ubuntu wanders?". For some reason, a question that has nothing to do with Ubuntu in any way or form was upvoted... and ...
Braiam's user avatar
  • 68.5k
-3 votes
1 answer

More upvotes per day for moderators

I have noticed that the moderators in Ask Ubuntu Genral Room seem to say that they run out of votes for the day each day. And I know from experience that there are more then 40 great posts each day on ...
William's user avatar
  • 7,718
-5 votes
1 answer

What is the point of voting in meta

The voting in Askubuntu works as following: you ask a good question, it gets upvoted and you get reputation you give a good answer and it gets upvoted, you receive reputation you ask a bad ...'s user avatar
  • 447
-5 votes
2 answers

What are the basic principles for using the vote functions?

Have noticed in chat and meta all users are being encouraged to vote more. Does this mean peoples attitude to voting might need adjusted? Am trying to list some related questions and observations ...
geezanansa's user avatar
  • 1,600
-6 votes
1 answer

Disable voting for closed questions.

Because it is closed for some reasons.
yevhene's user avatar
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