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You could be antagonizing newcomers [closed]

I've seen answers antagonizing newcomers and people that got out of the mainstream questions that could potentially yield significant learning/lessons. What's the point of using a FOSS system if you'...
userDepth's user avatar
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Dealing with a user who just won't follow the rules

I would like to open by stating this user is not abusive or rude and I am not looking to get him banned or anything like that, I write this because he could be a good contributor. The user has ...
Mark Kirby's user avatar
  • 18.8k
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Questions that have been asnwered, but the OP no longer has an account so can't accept an answer

It's really bugging me, and I think that something needs to be done about it, I keep on finding questions like this one which have very good answers, and some of the answers have a lot of upvotes, and ...
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