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Coloured Text to highlight emphasis

In this post, the op has used colour to highlight aspects of his question to very good effect. How is that achieved? I can't seem to find a reference as to how it is done and the menu bar at the head ...
graham's user avatar
  • 12.1k
6 votes
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Is it possible to control font size?

Can I make some text larger or smaller? btw I noticed an answer here (by Oli), there's a line where the text seems smaller.
842Mono's user avatar
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Similar background for Blockquote and Preformatted(code)

On AskUbuntu there is similar background-formatting for Blockquote text and Preformatted code text. Example-1 (with preformatted/coded text): sudo apt-get update Example-2 (with block-quoted text): ...
Pandya's user avatar
  • 36.8k
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Help with formatting text in question and answer

We can easily well format text in question/answer like Bold, Italic, Hyperlink, Block-quote, code, Image, List, Heading and Horizontal rule. Now, I want to know various tags like <kbd>, etc. ...
Pandya's user avatar
  • 36.8k