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35 votes
2 answers

Why are you only allowed to comment with 50 rep?

Why are you only allowed to comment on other people's posts when you reached 50 reputation? In my opinion comments are a good way to ask people to clarify their questions or add additional information ...
fly.floh's user avatar
  • 121
18 votes
4 answers

How do I quickly gain reputation?

What is the simplest way to up your reputation points so that one can use all features offered by this site?
Ashish's user avatar
  • 307
12 votes
1 answer

100+ reputation when hitting 200

I just passed 200 reputation on AskUbuntu, and then I received another 100 reputation for Association Bonus. The 100+ bonus because I reached 200 on AskUbuntu didn't push me past 200 on any other ...
daboross's user avatar
  • 2,193
9 votes
4 answers

How can I increase my reputation on Ask Ubuntu?

I notice some users with very high reputation scores. What is their "trick", and how can I increase my reputation?
13 votes
1 answer

Am I allowed to ask for a rep boost?

I asked a question with a bounty and didn't realize I would loose the ability to comment. Can I get a few up votes to get enough reputation back please? I've seen this done on other meta sites so I ...
WalterJ89's user avatar
  • 237
11 votes
2 answers

How to improve my accept rate?

On several SE sites, my accept rate is below 90%. The reason isn't that I just neglect to accept the answer that solved the problem, but rather that no answer was really helpful. My concern is that ...
Torben Gundtofte-Bruun's user avatar
4 votes
3 answers

Can I accept two answers on a question?

Can I accept two answers on a question? Is the points / reputation given to both of the user who answer (15 points / reputation for each accepted answer on a question)?
lambda23's user avatar
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-6 votes
1 answer

Why does voting down decrement Reputation

if an answer is wrong , then we can vote it and the wrong answer goes down the list,but why decrementing the hard-earned reputation?? we need to bring a change to that policy.
Nandhu's user avatar
  • 31
34 votes
1 answer

Don't be too eager to answer a question you know the answer of

Readme This question is not a personal complaint towards anyone. That's the reason I'd rather not give examples and I don't think I need to. The question is a call to be a bit more aware of what we ...
Jacob Vlijm's user avatar
  • 84.9k
27 votes
4 answers

Is it ok for my reputation to be edit-based?

In this post I asked whether I should continue barraging my peers with edits. I still have one question, though. I've made around 20% of my reputation off of edits. Is this honest, or should I cut ...
anonymous2's user avatar
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18 votes
2 answers

Should I consider the timeline while accepting an answer?

Assume that, I get an answer to my question that is OK, and i accept it. After a while I get another answer that is seemed to be more OK. Now what should I do? Should I accept the new answer? If I ...
Kawsar Ahmed's user avatar
10 votes
1 answer

Why are there so many new users with 101 reputation?

Nearly half of the 35 newest users in Ubuntu StackExchange have exactly 101 reputation and no history of participation on the site. What's the explanation?
ændrük's user avatar
  • 77.8k
6 votes
3 answers

How can a new user escalate an old unanswered question?

This question comes via an anonymous submission to Ask Slashdot: The problem with "Ask Ubuntu" Say a new user has a problem, searches Ask Ubuntu and the UNIX site for a solution, and comes across an ...
Damian Yerrick's user avatar
6 votes
2 answers

Does upvoting a comment add to the commenter's reputation? How much?

I've noticed some great comments along the way and upvoted them. Will the commenter get any reputation boost from that? (If they do, how many points per vote?) I'm also wondering since I've seen some ...
Firefeather's user avatar
4 votes
1 answer

Is there a limit on how much reputation one can earn in 24 hours?

My account seems to be capped at 305 for today despite additional up votes.
Panther's user avatar
  • 103k
3 votes
2 answers

Why don't "useful comment" results give reputation?

I saw the "Does upvoting a comment add to the commenter's reputation" question already, but seriously: this seems like a bug, not a feature. There are questions to which there is no answer, but there ...
Jim Salter's user avatar
  • 4,373
0 votes
1 answer

Editing an answer (or question) can make it get more upvotes. Shouldn't the editor also get credit for these later upvotes?

Editing can substantially change an answer or question. These changes, if accepted, may increase the value of the answer/question and the number the up-votes it gets. These should be reflected in the ...
user avatar
-5 votes
1 answer

Highest voted answer auto-accepted after length of time

I have a suggestion: After a certain set amount of time automatically mark the question with the most upvotes as the accepted answer. Many of us have experienced this: You answer a question posted by ...
William's user avatar
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