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Questions tagged [bounty]

For questions about the bounty system, which allows users to spend some of their reputation in order to draw more attention to a question.

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-1 votes
1 answer

Not receiving answers. What steps can I take?

My previous post: has been closed with the following feedback: Asking for responses to questions with a bounty on them is NOT the ...
7 votes
2 answers

How to bring more attention to a non-duplicate

My question on Ask Ubuntu was flagged as duplicate. The post that was said to be my dupe did not apply to my circumstances, so I edited my question and voted for its reopening. How many votes do I ...
3 votes
1 answer

Why I can't initiate a bounty

I want to initiate a bounty for one of my question Link here and as per FAQ the question should be atleast 2 days old. Now the question is more than 2 days old and I still cannot initiate a bounty. ...
7 votes
2 answers

How can I award a bounty when there is not answer?

I raised a bounty on this question because I face the same problem. Now I have got a mail from SO that I must award the bounty within 24 hours. But there are no answers, so how can I award the bounty? ...
2 votes
1 answer

If I bounty a question, but then I write a good answer, can I award myself the bounty and get my bountied reputation back?

Say I start a bounty on a question. What happens if I figure out a solution for my bounty on my own and write a good answer. Can I award the bounty to myself? Do my reputation points belong to me ...
2 votes
1 answer

can I give bounty after time?

I offer a bounty for this question But I have not always the time to test the solutions at once. To trigger my error I have always to make a cold boot. So my question is, can I give the bounty after ...
5 votes
1 answer

What does "canonical answer" refer to in bountied question notices?

I sometimes go through the bountied questions in Ask Ubuntu. Often I see the notice indicating the reason for offering the bounty is a specific reason written manually. Other standard noticed like &...
-1 votes
1 answer

What happens to all the points when my bounty expires?

I don't know where are my points. I asked question, set up bounty and had no time to react (test proposed solutions, choose best answer, grant bounty). What now? I would like to get my points back or ...
20 votes
6 answers

Giving away bounties this December 2019

I hope the plain title can still catch your attention--initially worded as "presents" instead of "bounties" but I decided for latter that has a clear intention. Back then, this meta post (2016) had ...
0 votes
2 answers

Should I award a bounty to a non-accepted answer (but what if)?

In general, this meta post would have an objective answer of "yes" or "no" with simple reasoning; however, I have added "(but what if)" because I am looking for additional answers in case of not-so-...
8 votes
2 answers

Is a user not allowed to give the bounty to himself?

I put a bounty on a question of mine and later found a solution to that problem. I was given 0 points for the answer (obviously) but i was also not given the bounty points back when i clicked for it. ...
6 votes
1 answer

Who to award the bounty to?

This question, WinEunuuchs2Unix has written the best answers and put the most effort, but nothing seems to work Bernard Wei, a very smart answer, I really wished it would work, I thought it would ...
3 votes
1 answer

raised flag - cooled off - now want to temper it / edit it -- what can I do?

I raised a flag. I asked for a post to be deleted. After a cooling off period, I reasoned that the poster had clearly dedicated a lot of time to answering their question, in a great attempt to be ...
3 votes
2 answers

Can a bounty be redacted?

I could swear there was a 500 point bounty on this question: How to fix Bang and Olufsen Audio for HP laptops? ...and I could swear I saw it go into a 9 hour grace period last night. But upon looking ...
11 votes
1 answer

Can I award a bounty to an answer that I like?

Let's say I asked an interesting question which got a lot of attention and some really good answers. My problem was solved because of those answers and I've accepted one of them. But I want to also ...
11 votes
2 answers

Can a user offer a bounty that is worth more than their own reputation?

The user who asked this question has offered the bounty worth 500 but their own reputation is just 314. Is it possible to offer a bounty worth more than one's own reputation?
4 votes
1 answer

What if the bounty was started by the question owner and did not accept any answer?

Following text within quotes was copied from this page "If the bounty was started by the question owner, and the question owner accepts an answer posted during the bounty period, and the bounty ...
2 votes
2 answers

Who gets reputation at the end of a bounty?

I can not find a clear answer to this anywhere. I have a question with a bounty. At the end of the 7-day period I set for the bounty, if there's no answers I've accepted and no answers have 2 or ...
18 votes
8 answers

Suggestions for questions that need a bounty

When I started here, I would have never believed I could reach 10k but I did and am more than happy with that level of reputation. So, I decided I would offer any excess rep I made, as a bounty on ...
10 votes
2 answers

How should we deal with bounty questions that are confirmed bugs?

This question is with reference to this bounty question: How do I theme the Sound Menu playback buttons? As the OP has indicated, this is technically a bug - there is a launchpad bug-report, ...
4 votes
1 answer

Feature Request: Allow commenting on awarded bounties

The sacrifice of privileges in exchange for setting bounties has been covered in a few other questions (1, 2, etc.). While I disagree with the reasoning (my thinking is in line with that of ...
3 votes
1 answer

Transfer control over open bounty to other user (or moderator) because I can't award it

I have two open bounties (question 1 and question 2) of 50 points for each, which both end in 3 days. However, I can't come online within the next week and none of them has an acceptable answer yet. ...
2 votes
1 answer

If I offer a bounty on someone else's question, can I still choose who gets the bounty?

I want to offer a bounty on a question by someone else, I would really like the issue fixed too and don't want to open a duplicate question. If I offer the bounty, do I get to choose the recipient of ...
63 votes
1 answer

This is Jorge, Be like Jorge

This is Jorge, Jorge offers bounties on other people's questions, Jorge doesn't worry too much about reputation, Jorge is smart, Be like Jorge. Anyway, the thing is, let's learn to offer bounties for ...
4 votes
1 answer

How to increase the bounty amount?

I asked a question and set the bounty to 50. Its still not receiving enough attention. So I want to increase the bounty amount. Is there any way I can increase the bounty amount??
1 vote
1 answer

Low quality answer getting upvotes and bonus?

I have a moral problem with the votes and bounty reward on the following question: One single cron job not running in which user Елин Й.has posted an answer that in my believe is: unhelpful (because ...
3 votes
1 answer

Can I spontaneously give a bounty?

I am getting first-rate help on something that bugs me but was not originally staked in my question for a bounty. How can I give a bounty spontaneously to a contributor for his/her answer (after the ...
-4 votes
1 answer

Can I award myself a bounty? [duplicate]

I was just curious, let's say that I posted a question, then put a bounty on it, and then found the answer myself, could I then award that bounty back to myself?
1 vote
1 answer

Bounty on a low-quality answer when there is an own high-quality answer

I asked a question for a problem which was (and is) very important for me. After 6 days of the 7 days period, I found a first solution and posted a very big and detailed answer for my own question. At ...
2 votes
1 answer

On my question (with bounty) mine is the only answer. Should I just accept my own answer or let the bounty continue to expire?

I asked a question. After further searching and no answers I set a bounty. Only after that did I happen upon information I needed by a total fluke. As a result I have posted an answer that addresses ...
0 votes
0 answers

Is it ok to advertise an otherwise wasted bounty?

I asked a question a few days back. No one answered, so I put up a 50-point bounty. A day or two after that, I found an answer and answered my own question. No one else has answered. I do not expect ...
1 vote
1 answer

can I revert awarding a bounty?

On this question I had a bounty going for a few more days but was so excited that I had got an answer that appeared to work, I assigned it. However, later I noticed it wasn't working right and ...
3 votes
1 answer

Award bounty button not working

I'm trying to award a bounty to an answer I received, but nothing happens when I click the button. I'm not sure if either of these factors might be responsible: I'm currently in the 24 hour grace ...
-3 votes
1 answer

Can we change the bounty rep requirement?

Currently, you need 75 reputation to start a bounty. However, some migrating users (meaning users that have an account with 100+ rep on another site) use this privilege a bit much. They will ...
4 votes
0 answers

Do answers, given during grace period, count for a bounty?

Just curious.. A while ago, I commented on this question, to see if I could find information to give an answer. Just after the bounty period, but within the grace period, the poster commented that ...
3 votes
1 answer

Starting bounty on others question

I am facing some problem with my Ubuntu and solving those problem is very much important for me. After searching on Ask Ubuntu, I found some similar questions here and here with little response. ...
2 votes
1 answer

I didn't receive an email telling me that my bounty is about to expire

This question, I did not receive an email telling that my bounty is about to expire in 24h, I use gmail, nothing in spam. I have CS finals at university so I don't have time to keep checking this ...
1 vote
1 answer

How to take back my bounty? [duplicate]

In the case you set a bounty for your question and gave it to someone but after trying the accepted answer it did not work: how could you take back the bounty and let the question open again for a ...
2 votes
1 answer

Bounty and Reputations Relationship

I know that bounty can be started up by offering Reputation. How much reputation changes to whom bounty awarded? Is reputation transfers by bounty from who start bounty and to whom bounty awarded? ...
1 vote
2 answers

How can I award a bounty to another user's question?

I read about Altruist Badge, but I can't see how could it be applied. What are the requirements for this badge to happen? Do I have access to another person's question?
4 votes
1 answer

Why is there no refund on bounty, when the question is not answered at all?

I know that the bounty is there to make your question more relevant or popular, yes. And this is ALWAYS given, even if the question is not answered, i know. BUT if the question is not off topic and ...
2 votes
2 answers

What is the fastest way to earn the bounty privilege?

I have numerous questions I need answered, and it doesn't look like they will be unless I unlock the ability to have bounties. On the particular stack exchange site, I'm not very knowledgeable about ...
6 votes
1 answer

Can I add more bounty to a question which already have bounty offered by another user?

I want to offer bounty to a question and the question already have a bounty. Can I add additional bounty for the question? Also the question is not asked by myself.
3 votes
2 answers

What happens to bounty points that are not awarded?

If a bounty is set and only one answer is given: when the bounty is not awarded what happens to the bounty? Does the only answer get the bounty despite it not being accepted assuming the answer is ...
8 votes
1 answer

Possible to split a bounty or award a partial bounty?

How do we award a partial bounty? And how would we split a bounty up between several users? And (3): I believe the two above are not possible, so is this the right place to ask for an enhancement of ...
3 votes
1 answer

Bounty on another question

Am trying to give a bounty in this question Limiting internet bandwidth for already started applications but somehow the option does not appeared. I tested on Firefox 4 and Chrome 12/13. It appears in ...
3 votes
1 answer

Is is possible to cancel a bounty?

Is it possible to cancel a bounty if I found the answer to my question?
5 votes
2 answers

Bounty allocated amount looks odd

When a bounty is allocated to an answer, the bounty amount is shown against it. This kind of looks weird in Ask Ubuntu In contrast, the bounty allocated amount in Super User is much.. better
1 vote
2 answers

Should one give a bounty to anyone to prevent it from expiring?

This bounty will expire in 24h. The answers do not solve the issue. Should I pick any answer or the answer of the user who put more effort or not? I was thinking to award it to terdon because he ...
-1 votes
1 answer

How to add bounty for a question?

I want to add bounty to this Q but I don't find an option for the same in the Q. How to do that please? I also checked "" but couldn't get a reason (Have I overlooked ...